My life, my choices

My many interests and experiences make me a versatile person. As a digital nomad, you most often find me in a village next to the jungle in North Sumatra, Indonesia, where I live with my partner.

In Indonesië

Pick my brain

Many people have dreams that they never see fulfilled because they have certain limiting beliefs or are scared to take that first step. Do you recognize yourself in this? You are responsible for your choices and have the options to organize your life the way you want. There is a solution for everything, you just have to dare to seek help and take action. Book an appointment with me so that we can see together how I can help you finally create the life you want.

Communication with Indonesian people

Business consultant where I use my years of experience to improve communication with Indonesian colleagues. I explain why Indonesians act in a certain way so that you understand this better. This immediately ensures that cooperation improves. You will also receive various tips so that communication with your Indonesian employees becomes clearer and more efficient.

Cover boek

Different lifestyles and cultures interest me enormously. I find it enriching to see different ways of life and enjoy learning from other people. It inspires me to approach things differently.

I met my current partner in 2018. He is from Indonesia and Muslim. I have always had an open view about how others live, but thanks to this relationship I have learned things I never expected. Moreover, I got to know myself better.

In the summer of 2022 I started writing a book about our story. How we got to know each other, the obstacles we inevitably encounter and how we deal with our cultural differences.

I had a dream for quite a while to write a book. I realized that if I wrote one page every day, the book would be ready in a year. Suddenly this mountain didn’t seem so hard to climb anymore.

Are you curious about the book? It is currently only available in Dutch, you can buy it here on Amazon. Do you want to read the book on your e-reader? you can buy the e-book by clicking on the button below.😊

What people say about me

I have known Lotte for more than 20 years and experience her as a particularly wise, knowledgeable and driven woman. She has a very specific insight into situations and figures and manages her subject matter thoroughly. She notices the little details and if she comes across something that isn’t quite right, she will keep looking for it until it is fixed. She has helped me several times along the way. And given clarity and confidence in myself and the steps I wanted to take (but did not quite dare to take). For example, she inspired me in my step towards full-time self-employment by looking at the figures together and providing valuable tips so that it could become something stable in the long term. And all this from a warm, coaching style. Her answers are always quick and thorough, with an eye for the broader picture.

Catherine Vanthemsche

My name is Liam Van Eynde and I had been thinking about making remote work an option for some time. This was inspired by some people I encountered while searching for experiences and tips, namely Lotte.

I had already found a lot of information or more inspiration on the internet and especially YouTube. Now, there are of course questions that you can only ask someone who actually does it and has experience in it. For example, on which websites or pages are you looking for work and which work can you do best? Is the pay okay? How much do you need per month to make ends meet remotely? Which countries do you recommend, which do you not recommend…

So many questions to which you are looking for a personal and specific answer. I received this thanks to Lotte. The questions I asked were answered very well. Thanks to her, my LinkedIn was also set up and then the search could begin!

A few weeks/months later, Lotte contacted me to see how things were going and what I was currently doing at work. However, I wasn’t working remotely at the time, I needed a job quickly and started working in a local PC hardware store as a customer service agent. However, this quickly became monotonous and I started looking for remote work after about 9 months. Lotte immediately contacted me again and I dared to take the step to discuss it with my future boss. My boss and I are now going through a process to see to what extent this can go, prices, etc. And in the longer term I could possibly work here remotely. I currently have very flexible hours and can always work from home.

I am not completely at my final goal yet, but thanks to Lotte I am certainly already on the right track and close!

Thank you!!

Liam Van Eynde

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