Coaching to help you to take steps and create the life you dream of. Escape the rat race and the daily grind.

You have a dream or want to change something in your life, but don’t know how to start or have limiting beliefs.
❌ You think it is not for you because you don’t have enough money, not enough talent, not enough experience or you have other limiting beliefs.
❌ Your environment is holding you back, they don’t support it and have many objections.
❌ You don’t know how to start because you don’t know anybody who has done it before.
❌ You are reluctant to change and prefer to stay in the current situation because at least now you know what you have.
❌ You would like to discuss the different options, look with an open mind at what the best solution is and put everything in perspective, but you don’t know where to start or how to approach this.
✅ If any of these examples describe your situation, then I have good news. You don’t have to do this all alone, it’s okay to ask for help. I can help you get a clear picture of your dream or change. I can give you different resources and show you examples of people who have already done it. Not always in exactly the same way, but with enough similarities so that you get inspired.

Multi passsionates
You have many interests, always start very enthusiastically with a new job or hobby, but get bored after a while. Mostly because you know how it more or less works, the challenge is gone and your hunger for knowledge doesn’t get fed anymore.
Welcome to the multi passionates! The people who can not be put in a box, one category doesn’t define us.
It can be extremely frustrating to feel like you don’t have that one passion, or can’t find that one dream job that you see yourself doing until you are retired. But belief me, that one dream job does not exist. It is a strength to be a multi passionate, because you have a broader background and specific skills that are often more developed thanks to changing so regularly. Book an appointment with me and we will look together how we can use your versatility in a better way, both professionally and personally.

I have taken different paths myself and have gone against society a number of times.
Early in my career, I regularly received comments because I often changed jobs. I didn’t know why, I always started a new challenge with a lot of enthusiasm. Until I had mostly figured it out and got bored. I followed job coaching and discovered that I am a multi passionate. This really felt like coming home.
This has helped me get to know myself better, I like changes and always see it as an exciting new chapter. Even when others are faced with such a transition, I spontaneously become enthusiastic on their behalf.
Thanks to the discovery of multi passionate, I have learned that a change of environment is also important to me. I decided to travel full-time, get to know new cultures and enjoy the freedom to go where and when I want. In 2019 I started my adventure as a digital nomad where I work completely remotely. I have already spent a number of years in Indonesia where I met my current partner. I learn so much from him, it has enriched my life in various areas that I did not even expect.
As a multi passionate, I am extremely fascinated by the subject. I completed a training to become a professional coach at Systo and I am a member of the Multipassionate Coaching Academy.